Artist Statement: 

I have always been drawn to visual art. However, it seemed so futile, uneconomic, unimportant, as the common sense voices said. Without a living mentor/example, it was difficult to see a way forward. I have tried to deny it, to avoid it, even to give it up. At times, survival seemed all that I could manage. But I returned to art again, and again. Nothing else fits who I am.
I am drawing on the foundation of the California Plein Air Painters. I want to capture something of the outdoors that seems to restore my soul. I hope to translate that with watercolors to remind people of the greatness and wonder of Creation. And this even in the presence of crass, unthinking exploitation, in the midst of the rush of busy lives.
J. S. Bach signed his compositions with S. D. G. (Soli Deo Gloria). Even the Coffee Cantata was so signed. Although my work is far more humble, my motive is the same

Artist Display Name: 
Larry Hatfield