Artist: Rive Nestor (authored by [email protected])
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My work is about seeing the beauty and stillness in this bustling, gritty urban environment I call home. I was raised in the open spaces of mid western fields and farms and ran away as fast as I could. Now, I try to capture nature and memory and contrast it with my beautiful urban existence.
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Submitted by zooacker on
What better place to paint than San Francisco? It presents limitless images: from the crazy layers of urban, industrial edifices to the flamboyant Victorians.
I am an onlooker into other people’s worlds; an observer wondering: what is going on in there, who is in there and what are they doing? At the same time my paintings are a reflection of the sometimes frenzied, sometimes alienating separateness that is at times my inner state, thus I aim to convey moments in time both atmospheric and emotional. Primarily it is the ambiguity and mysteriousness of our urban landscape that draws me aesthetically to the scenes I paint. I want to peer and inquire. Moreover I want to capture the contrast, the light, and the color.
When I begin to paint I am full of hope, inspiration and excitement with the prospect of creating my vision in a form that others can appreciate. But the process has many stages including despair as well as pleasure. It is often a struggle and always a challenge. But those moments offer the greatest potential for growth and problem solving. Until finally I feel a sense of ‘doneness’ or satisfaction with what I see.
Submitted by Qorey Golob on
Submitted by VestaKirby on