Rinat Goren

rinatgoren's picture
Neighborhood: Hunters Point Shipyard

Rinat Goren was born and raised in Israel. As long as she remembers she was observing and producing art.  However, only much later, when moved to California as an adult, she gave her urge a venue and became an artist. She found collage-making an appropriate medium to convey her values. Collage is a wonderful way to send an abstract message. Later on Rinat discovered the encaustic medium. It was the absolutely perfect medium for her collages. It gave her an opportunity to layer her collage, gave her depth and color. Rinat is interested in subjects as 'the individual' and 'the individual vs. the group'. She expresses her love for people, freedom and liberty, boundaries and limits. She loves to express her values through the abstract of her collages using texture, color and depth. She uses newspaper, images, strings, ropes and other materials in her encaustic collages.