Nikhil Y Sharma

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(669) 224-5900

[email protected]

Neighborhood: Mission

Throughout my life in the Bay, I’d noticed certain objects continually catching my eye — mountains in alum rock, pacific madrones, rusting steel, and industrial buildings. This got me thinking: what did these things have in common that drew me to them? As I explored more, I learned that what these objects shared was an abundance of character.

When discussing character, we often think of people — but I believe the same things affecting human character apply to objects. Character does not reveal itself all at once; it is revealed bit by bit through recurring interactions. Character is influenced externally; a changing environment alters how character manifests itself. Character grows on you; the more time you spend with it, the stronger your connection to it.

Through my artistic processes, I explore what it means for an object to have character. What specific qualities assign character to an object? Which themes resurface among objects of character? Why do these objects feel more intimate, comforting even?

In my paintings, I build up coat after coat of paint before crumpling and gluing the canvas. The folded canvas creates ridges that cast shadows on the layered paint, creating subtle color variations that change with the brightness, temperature, and direction of the lighting. When lighting changes, so does the painting. And when observed repeatedly in changing light, bit by bit the paintings reveal themselves. This dynamism builds a connection with viewers as a stationary item is now an object of character.

Nikhil Sharma (born 1999) is an artist from the Bay Area. Beginning his artistic journey with furniture design, he has since expanded into painting and sculpting. Nikhil lives and works in San Francisco.