Bussie Parker Kehoe

bussiep@hotmail.com's picture
Neighborhood: Mission
Group Affiliation: Art Explosion - Alabama Street Studios

I love to tinker with found and discarded materials in meticulous and unexpected ways, transforming the unwanted into something unrecognizable and new. While tinkering, I am processing my feelings, memories, hopes, life experiences, and connection to others; and my art is the language that I use to communicate with others to create a structure of support.

Currently, I pour old discarded house paint onto glass, let the paint dry, then arrange the paint peels in a minimalistic and organic way. I focus on form and structure first—intentionally placing each paint peel so that it connects to and supports the others surrounding it, which is directly related to my life experience of searching for those connections and support. Sometimes, I stack and cut those paint peels, then assemble a “quilt” reminiscent of the Korean textiles that I grew up with. I love the lack of control when pouring juxtaposed with the meticulous placing of the peels. Chaos and order are inherent in this process. It reflects life, where you take what life throws at you and try to make sense of it.