Artist Statement: 

The works shown here are part of a current series inspired by fairytales and legends. Although several pieces, such as "Girl in a Box", have strong political elements, the series is primarily an exploration of visual art as an aspect of storytelling. All story-telling is participatory--you must have a teller and a
listener. Art is participatory--you must have a maker of art and a
viewer. In the moment of interaction between the artist’s act of making art and the viewer's act of responding to the art, a new piece of art is produced, something unique that may only last for that moment of looking. According
to Maya Angelou “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold
story inside you.” That is very true but, I would add, speaking of my
own art-making, that there is no greater joy than to have told a good

Artist Display Name: 
Tanya Wilkinson