Artist Statement: 

INSPIRATION I enjoy creating with colors, figures and shapes from pure creation and abstracts. Painting is for me, more than a natural ability, it is the "Joy" of creating and expressing myself to the world. The various mixing of colors and their inner intensity plays a great deal in my final work. The result is just nothing more than the ultimate experience of a wonderful journey realized between myself and colors in its purest of forms. Work with CD'S (polycarbonate plastic) The idea here is basically the interaction with light, poly carbonate plastic (CD'S), acrylic colors combined, creating an Aura of Colors Spectrum, a cosmic explosion of prism colors, reflecting and resembling a "Rainbow", and a spherical shape disposition. With or without direct light, the interplay of poly carbonate plastic(CD'S) on the canvas and arranged in coordination with the myriad of impulsive colors, create a feeling of a special manifesto, conjuring a mystical dilemma between applied pigments of raw colors splashes and the ultimate essence of Color itself, " Light". Art is and could be applied as the ultimate mean and intention, in obtaining and fully manifesting your god given aptitude and therefore, living your existence and purpose in this planet earth and the entire galaxy. QUOTE I am an infinitesimal fragment of the 'Universe", and therefore I exist in the now and forever.

Artist Display Name: 
Gilbert Joseph Alexander