Artist Statement: 

My current body of work is painted on paper.  Paper allows for spontaneous revisions and a quick work pace—which frees me to take more risks with the paint.  The paint slides around the surface of the paper;  encouraging me to work quickly, limit revisions, and explore mark-making.  Paper is a versatile surface for experimentation on a large scale and is a receptive surface for different tools such as pigment sticks, transfer paper and pencil.   This combination of qualities gives the surface of the paintings a rich character and an “immediacy” to the marks. 


I do not work in a series.  Instead of being studies of a specific subject, the individual paintings link to each other like a chain.  Each painting is one moment in a spontaneous train of thought sparked by specific images, thoughts and questions.  The titles are very specific and chosen thoughtfully.  They are an important point of entry for the viewer as he explores the painting.

Artist Display Name: 
Ellen Burgin